Braided Puff Pastry
Serves: 8 to 10
1 ½ cups (8oz) Los Altos Queso Manchego
½ lb Puff Pastry
1 cup Cream cheese, ambient temperature
¼ cup Powdered sugar
2 Egg yolks
1 Egg
1 T Vanilla extract
1 ½ cups Ate, cut into strips
1) On a well-floured work surface, roll out the puff pastry to make a 12×16 inch rectangle, cover and refrigerate.
2) Meanwhile, blend the cream cheese, sugar and egg yolks with the vanilla extract until you have a uniform mixture.
3) Remove puff pastry from fridge and place on parchment paper or a silicone baking mat like a silpat. We will build the pastry on parchment or silpat and then move pastry onto a baking sheet by moving the parchment or silpat.
4) To build, imagine the puff pastry divided into three large strips, 4 inches wide. On the side strips, left and right, cut diagonals, 1 inch wide and cut to the edge of the middle section.
5) In the middle, spread the cheese mixture and cover evenly with ate and Los Altos Queso Manchego.
6) Fold inward the diagonal strips to alternatively cover the filling, in a criss-cross pattern alternating to form braids. Cut off any excess and tuck remaining pastry underneath itself.
7) Cover with the remaining egg wash made of 1 whole egg and a splash of water.
8) Place parchment or silpat on sheet tray and bake for 30 minutes at 380⁰F or until braids are nicely golden. Remove from oven and cool on wire rack.
9) Garnish with powdered sugar when ready to serve

Total Time
1 hour 10 minutes

Prep. Time
40 minutes

Ask Your Mom

Since 1988, Los Altos has had a unique place at the family table because it offers value, is 100% natural, and provides authentic flavors that bridge the traditions, cultures, and generations of many families.

Our line of cheeses complement food traditions that have been passed on by generations for centuries. Yet, today’s generations find our products to be the perfect accent for innovative interpretations of traditional dishes.