Sirve: 4
1 cup Los Altos Crema Mexicana Natural
1 cup Los Altos Queso Cotija, crumbled
10 oz Masa, fresh corn dough
2 T Oil or melted lard
¾ cup Refried beans
½ cup Salsa
½ Onion, chopped
1) Heat a comal or iron skillet over medium-high heat.
2) Then moisten your hands with lukewarm water and knead the masa for 2-3 minutos.
3) Form into 10 small balls about the size of a walnut, each approximately 1 oz.
4) Place each ball in a tortilla press and then push the handle down halfway, forming a 3-in round of dough. Place the picadita on the hot comal. Turn after 45-50 seconds or when the edges begin to dry out.
5) Pinch the center of the picadita with your fingers. Flip over so that the pinched parts is on the bottom.
6) Cook for 45-60 seconds or until the dough looks cooked and its outer edge is a light golden brown. Remove from the heat and use your fingers to crimp the edge of the picadita to form an edge like a pie crust between ¼ and ½ inch high.
7) Wrap in a clean cloth and set aside. This can be done up to 2 hours before serving.
8) Just before serving, heat the comal.
9) Lightly grease the pinched surface of the picaditas with the oil or lard.
10) Place each picadita on the comal with the pinched edge up. As soon as the oil begins to bubble, remove from the heat.
11) Spread each picadita with refried beans and cover with the salsa.
12) Add a dollop of Los Altos Crema Mexicana Natural and sprinkle with crumbled Los Altos Queso Cotija. If you wish, you may add the chopped onion or serve it in a separate bowl.
Note: The picaditas can be fried instead of toasted on the comal. Fried bits of chorizo can be added and the beans omitted. In short, picaditas, are very versatile; the filling used depends only on the ingenuity of the cook. Makes 10 picaditas.

Tiempo Total
30 minutos

Tiempo de Prep.
15 minutos


Desde 1988, Los Altos ocupa un lugar en la mesa familiar por ofrecer valor y ser un producto 100% natural cuyo sabor deleita los sentidos y enriquece momentos de convivencia y tradición entre familias y amigos.

No obstante que los quesos que producimos son parte integral de la gastronomía desde hace siglos, las generaciones de hoy disfrutan de nuestros productos con interpretaciones innovadoras de platillos tradicionales.