Nevada - Los Altos Food Products Skip to content

Para más información sobre cáncer de mama, visita: / For more information about breast cancer, visit:

Los Altos Food Products, LLC supports the good cause of preventing breast cancer by facilitating early detection screening to more women. Although Los Altos supports early cancer detection through imaging, it is not an imaging company and does not provide or control any of the imaging services connected with this campaign. Los Altos has no connection, responsibility or role with regard to the selection or qualification of the imaging services, facilities, equipment or activities offered by Alinea Imaging, Nevada Health Centers or Assured Imaging Services. Los Altos assumes no responsibility or liability for any injuries or illnesses, accident, or illness, or losses related to the imaging program. These services are solely provided by Alinea Imaging, Nevada Health Centers or Assured Imaging Services and medical professionals and technicians.
